Communities In Mocean

Building on the eight year success of Mocean’s Library series Moving with Mocean, Communities in Mocean - Older Adults Dance Project is a new program, funded in-part from the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program, that will support retirees and seniors to take part in a community-led artistic process building their own dance creation for a public sharing.

A group of smiling people dance in a library.


Two groups of participants meet weekly at two locations - Halifax Central Library and Northwood Central to engage in a creative process for a new community-led and community-centered dance creation. Both groups then join together to share in public performances at the Northwood Centre Auditorium and Halifax Central Library’s Paul O’Regan Hall.

The goal of Communities in Mocean - Older Adults Dance Project is to bring the social participation and inclusion of seniors to the forefront of dance participation. Mocean specializes in community engagement, using dance as a vehicle to bring health and wellness, improve social well-being, and boost community vitality through the joy of the movement arts.

Join us, let your inner dancer shine!

How to Participate

Our Communities in Mocean programming has wrapped for the 2023/2024 season - scroll down to see highlights from our Spring Blooms performances! Sign up for our e-newsletter to stay informed about Mocean's community programming in our upcoming 24/25 season.


2023/2024 SCHEDULE


Moving With Mocean
Mondays, 2:00 - 3:00 PM:
Fall: Oct 23 + 30,  Nov 6 + 20
Winter: Jan 15, 22 + 29,  Feb 5

Location: Paul O'Regan Hall

Communities in Mocean - Older Adults Dance Project
Mondays, 2:00 - 3:00 PM:
Fall: Nov 27,  Dec 4, 11 + 18
Winter: Feb 12 + 26,  Mar 4 + 18

Location: BMO Room, 2nd Floor


Senior Chair Dance Classes
Wednesdays, 1:30 - 2:30 PM:
Fall: Sep 27,  Oct 11 + 25,  Nov 8 + 22
Winter: Jan 10,  Feb 7 + 21,  Mar 6 + 20

Location: 2615 Northwood Terrace, Auditorium 

Communities in Mocean - Older Adults Dance Project
Wednesdays, 2:30 - 3:30 PM:
Fall: Nov 8, 15, 22 + 29
Winter:  Feb 7, 14, 21, 28, Mar 6 + 20

Location: 2615 Northwood Terrace, Auditorium 

Public Performances: Northwood Central Auditorium, Saturday, March 23 at 2pm

                       Paul O'Regan Hall, Wednesday, March 27 at 7pm



The Benefits of Dancing Together

“Dancing increases cognitive acuity at all ages. It integrates several brain functions at once — kinesthetic, rational, musical and emotional — further increasing your neural connectivity” - Richard Powers, Stanford University


A group of people dance in a space with wood floors and a wall of windows

Dance is a wonderful tool for joyful exercise, aligning the body and brain connection, and bringing awareness to one’s breath and the people and space around you. Dancing uses both hemispheres of the brain to coordinate physical action and field of vision, promoting three-dimensional thinking and spatial use. Dance strengthens muscles, while also fine tuning the communication between the frontal cortex and the cerebellum.

The physical and mental health benefits of dance are extensive. Whether standing or seated, learning new dance steps improves muscle tone and strength, posture, balance and flexibility; increases circulation, coordination, agility and the ability to adapt/escape injury when falling; and builds stronger bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Dance brings many mental and emotional benefits: improving memory, mood and self-esteem; easing loneliness, anxiety and depression; and bonding with others through fun social interaction. The sense of community built through the joy of dancing, and feeling a sense of belonging together, is a tool for well-being and expression that can not be underestimated.


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